Image: Scott Graham - Unsplash

DECIDE Resources

"Through the support of DECIDE, energy communities and collective energy actions will become the wave that produces the soft revolution towards the energy turnaround."

Sonja Klingert
Uni Mannheim

Search results ( 16 - 20 of 31 )

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Yearly policy briefs on regulation 2022

This is the second of a series of regulatory reviews in DECIDE. It provides insights on how the EU Member States' frameworks have led to a development of energy communities and collective actions.  It focus is on the DECIDE pilot countries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Germany and Greece), but also information from other EU countries that were retrieved via interviews or via communication with DECIDE...

Publication Date: 30 May 2022

Author: Andreas Tuerk (JR), Camilla Neumann (JR), Malgorzata Mątowska (THNK), Lucija Rakocevic (THNK), Elise van Dijk (THNK), Phillipp Hartmann (BAUM), Ludwig Karg (BAUM), Silvia Assalini (ICLEI), Claudia Winkler (JR)

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DECIDE - Factsheet 3 - What is an Energy Community?

The recent times have seen an increasing buzz around the terms Energy Community. The details of what these are, who can become part of it and what is possible to do under that banner, is often explained with complex technical-legal jargon. However, this makes it difficult for those that are not already familiar with this domain to understand what the whole discussion is about and how it relates to...

Publication Date: 04 Feb 2022

Author: DECIDE

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DECIDE Tool Card 1

The DECIDE tool cards have been designed to provide some practical inputs that can improve the development of an energy-related community initiative.It is a handy and catchy format to present the tools and methodologies investigated by the project and make them accessible to a wide audience, despite of the knowledge background on the topic. Each card can be seen as a stand-alone piece of information...

Publication Date: 01 Feb 2022

Author: BAUM, ICLEI, Th!nkE

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DECIDE Tool Card 2

The DECIDE tool cards have been designed to provide some practical inputs that can improve the development of an energy-related community initiative.It is a handy and catchy format to present the tools and methodologies investigated by the project and make them accessible to a wide audience, despite of the knowledge background on the topic. Each card can be seen as a stand-alone piece of information...

Publication Date: 31 Jan 2022

Author: BAUM, ICLEI, Mannheim University, University Schloss Seeburg

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DECIDE Tool Card 3

The DECIDE tool cards have been designed to provide some practical inputs that can improve the development of an energy-related community initiative.It is a handy and catchy format to present the tools and methodologies investigated by the project and make them accessible to a wide audience, despite of the knowledge background on the topic. Each card can be seen as a stand-alone piece of information...

Publication Date: 31 Jan 2022


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