Image: Scott Graham - Unsplash

DECIDE Resources

"Through the support of DECIDE, energy communities and collective energy actions will become the wave that produces the soft revolution towards the energy turnaround."

Sonja Klingert
Uni Mannheim


Guidelines to optimize energy- efficiency information campaigns and citizen participation for collective action and energy communities with practical views and methods

The Guidelines to optimize energy-efficiency information campaigns and citizen participation for collective action and energy communities intend to provide a coherent summary of
approaches to communication, information, and intervention campaigns for establishing and shaping Energy Communities (ECs) and Collective Energy Actions (CEAs), with a strong focus on the behavioural science perspective....

Publication Date: 31 May 2022

Author: Mona Bielig, Celina Kacperski, Sonja Klingert, Florian Kutzner (Mannheim University)

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Guidelines to optimize energy-efficiency information campaigns and citizen participation for collective action and energy communities with practical views and methods, based on first year research

The Guidelines to optimize energy-efficiency information campaigns and citizen participation for collective action and energy communities are intended to provide a coherent summary of approaches to communication, information, and intervention campaigns for establishing and shaping Energy Communities, with a strong focus on the behavioural science perspective. Therefore, this document contains a...

Publication Date: 31 May 2021

Author: Mona Bielig, Celina Kacperski, Sonja Klingert, Florian Kutzner (Mannheim University)

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Structured overview on optimized energy-efficiency interventions for EC and CA

This document serves as an overview for the recommendations to optimize energy-efficiency intervention and information campaigns for energy communities and collective energy actions in the framework of DECIDE and beyond. For this purpose, first a general overview of potential tools for information and intervention campaigns within engagement and communication strategies is given. This serves as a...

Publication Date: 31 May 2021

Author: Mona Bielig, Celina Kacperski, Sonja Klingert, Florian Kutzner (Mannheim University)

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Guidelines for characterization, segmentation, and group dynamics of collective energy actions

This deliverable aims to foster a common understanding of collective energy actions and to review the evidence that exists on how to promote them. It is based on an extensive review of scientific literature, publications from previous projects, original stakeholder interviews and the legislative framework to energy communities including empirical as well as conceptual considerations.

Publication Date: 30 Nov 2020

Author: Celina Kacperski, Sonja Klingert, Florian Kutzner, Jana Schindler (Mannheim University); Gudrun Lettmayer & Michael Brenner-Fliesser (Joanneum Research)

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