Energy citizenship - A missing piece to the energy transition puzzle? Introduction to Community Energy Academy
19 Apr 23, 10:00-12:00
- online
What is energy citizenship and how does it change the way we think about energy? How can we co-create sustainable energy solutions with local communities and citizens? How can we mainstream energy communities to speed up energy transition?
We are inviting local administrators and officials, (energy) community leaders, and other experts interested in the emerging energy citizenship movement to join us for "Energy citizenship - A missing piece to the energy transition puzzle?". In this 2-hour online training session, we will delve into energy citizenship and its benefits for local energy transformation. The interactive session will focus on community-led initiatives and give the spotlight to energy community leaders who will share their experience of working with energy citizens and innovative approaches to promote energy citizenship in practice.
See the agenda here.
Register here.
The training session is part of the Community Energy Academy training programme, which builds on insights from the EC²-project (H2020). The programme is organised by ICLEI Europe in collaboration with leading European universities and research centers, pioneering municipalities, and engaged energy communities.
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