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Sustainable places conference, Workshop on Energy Communities Business Models

Sustainable places conference, Workshop on Energy Communities Business Models

28 Sep 21, 15:30-17:30

Rome, Italy - Rome/ online hybrid

DECIDE has been analysing existing and emerging business models for energy communities and collective energy actions across EU.

The DECIDE project started with seven pilots and recently included additional 11 DECIDERs that include energy communities and collective actions in 12 EU member states.

DECIDE aims to understand optimal enabling framework needed for successful implementation, operation and growth of energy communities and other collective energy actions across EU. Enabling framework includes optimal conditions for building inclusive and engaging communities that increase use of energy services and renewable energy sources to create benefit for the local community.

The initial results of the business model analysis will be discussed during the Energy communities Business models workshop within Sustainable places conference. The business models will be further discussed during the workshop EUSEW on 28th of October. The publicly available report will be published in early December on the DECIDE website. This report and other knowledge on business models of energy communities and collective actions can be found on the DECIDE Knowledge Hub.


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