Image: Jacek Dylag - Unsplash



OurPower is an emerging energy cooperative in Austria operating a peer-to-peer marketplace for RES electricity generated by its members. OurPower handles the online matching services as well as the whole process of electricity supply and billing. OurPower started its supply business in August 2019, and customer acquisition is underway. Currently OurPower has 350 members aiming to expand to up to 10.000 over the next two years. Interest and support of small scale power producers are huge.

OurPower’s portfolio of generators will comprise of all kinds of embedded RES generators from small rooftop solar PV, a small wind farm and several small hydropower plants to biomass plants. OurPower promotes collective financing (crowd investment) and citizen engagement. OurPower addresses two different customer segments: private homeowners with solar PV rooftops and communities of citizen financing solar, wind, and biomass projects. 

See OurPower's Website