COME RES is a Horizon2020 project that aims to increase the share of renewable energy in the electricity sector. To do so, the project focusses on advancing renewable energy communities in nine European countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Spain) learning from regions with advanced community energy development and supporting target regions with the potential to further develop energy communities.

ROLECS is a research project that intends to gain a deeper understanding of the development and role of Local Energy Communities (LECS) in Belgium & in Europe. The project aims at providing answers to questions relative to, amongst others, triggering end-consumers participation to LECs, integrating technical energy models to social behaviors, defining the impact of large scalle roll-out of LECs regarding the decarbonization of the energy system, etc.

MUSE GRIDS is a project that aims to demonstrate, in two weakly connected areas (a town on a top of a hill and a rural neighbourhood), a set of both technological and non-technological solutions targeting the interaction of local energy grids (electricity grids, district heating and cooling networks, water networks, gas grids, electromobility etc.) to enable maximization of local energy independency through optimized management of the production via end user-driven control strategies, smart grid functionality, storage, CHP and RES integration.

This project proposes effective energy management using a resilient and practical ecosystem that is user-centric and market-driven. The project involves a range of specialised stakeholders, including advanced technology actors, manufacturers, providers and energy users. Via seven pilots, they will showcase an effective digital market for ensuring energy-efficiency at reduced costs that is beneficial to end-users.

RENERGETIC demonstrates that urban energy islands increase the share of renewables in local areas and the energy efficiency of the local energy systems. It integrates electricity, heat and waste vectors in three energy islands: New Docks in Ghent, Warta Campus in Poznan and San Raffaele Hospital and Research campus in Segrate-Milan. Beyond RENergetic, the impact of urban energy islands is ensured by considering technical, socio-economic and legal viability, while safe-guarding economic viability.

PROSEU was a European project working on the mainstreaming of the Renewable Energy(RE) prosumer phenomenon into the European Energy Union. Prosumers are active energy users who both produce and consume energy from renewable sources.

COMPILE's aim is to show the opportunities of remote areas or areas weakly connected to the grid, the so-called energy islands, for decarbonization of energy supply, community building and creating environmental and socioeconomic benefits. These opportunities are being demonstrated at 5 pilot sites with the help of 6 COMPILE tools.

EC² gathers empirical evidence on how the set-up of energy communities fosters or hinders energy citizenship. Based on an inter- and transdisciplinary conceptualization of energy citizenship, EC²deliberates economic trends, identifies economic conditions, business model innovations, public support policies, and legal regulations that are needed for the emergence of energy citizenship and its potential contribution to the low-carbon energy transition. EC² focuses in particular on energy communities as emerging entities within the energy sector and as potential key actors to promote energy citizenship. The objective is to gather empirical evidence on how the framework and the set-up of energy communities foster or hinder energy citizenship and its conduciveness for broader policy goals and under which circumstances energy communities and energy citizens benefit most from each other. Based on these insights, the team develops and empirically tests recommendations and tools to overcome barriers and facilitate the scaling up of energy citizenship and energy communities.

For a fair and people-powered energy system, BECoop (2020-2023), a project supported by the European Horizon 2020 programme, aims at putting communities in charge of their local renewable (bio)energy generation, by providing the necessary conditions and support tools for unlocking the underlying market potential of community bioenergy and fostering new partnerships.

The UP-STAIRS project accelerates the creation of energy communities. It develops flexible and iterative business model frameworks for One-Stop-Shops for local collective actions which support local stakeholders in working together. UP-STAIRS facilitates citizen participation in the energy transition and supports them in becoming prosumers. One-Stop-Shops are set-up in 5 pilot regions in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland and Spain.

W4RES #Women4RES is a 3-year-EU-funded project, which aims at scaling-up the involvement of women in the market deployment and uptake of Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) solutions via replicable support measures tested and validated across the 8 respective countries:Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway and Slovakia

Fossil fuel use in the agricultural domain has negative effects becoming a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, with significant contributions to global climate change and the risk of food security. One of the most energy-consuming sub-sectors of agriculture is intensive livestock that is mainly based on fossil fuels use. However, more sustainable livestock production and de-fossilising energy needs in husbandry facilities emerge as crucial aspects within EU.RES4LIVE will and bring into the market integrated cost-effective and case-sensitive Renewable Energy Sources (RES) solutions towards achieving fossil free livestock farming.

RHC Platform
The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-ETIP) brings together stakeholders from the biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, heat pump and district heating and cooling and thermal storage sectors to define a common strategy for increasing the use of renewable energy technologies for heating and cooling.

The overall vision of the Horizon 2020 project Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbonization (ENCLUDE) is to help the EU to fulfill its promise of a just and inclusive decarbonization pathway through sharing and co-creating new knowledge and practices that maximize the number and diversity of citizens who are willing and able to contribute to the energy transition. In the transformation of the energy system, citizens are becoming increasingly important as engaged, involved and shaping participants. This role of participatory energy consumers is reflected in the term "energy citizen". ENCLUDE aims to share new knowledge and motivate the broadest possible population to contribute to the energy transition.

Energy Communities Repository
The Energy Communities Repository is an initiative on behalf of the European Commission to assist local actors with setting up and advancing clean energy projects driven by energy communities in urban areas across Europe. The initiative contributes to a just transition to climate neutrality that allows citizens to take ownership of energy consumption and production.